Dharma Yatra is one of Student Association of English Language Education’s Proker, this activity is about our gratitude to the god who has giving everything to our life. Dharma Yatra is only for students who is Hindu’s religions, on 05 mei 2018 the event held on march only the temple that we visit was in south of Bali.
Start from the closest one from Singaraja, it is Pura Goa Gong but unfortunately, the bus cannot enter the road so the Head of the event change it into Candi Narmada Temple, and after we pray at Candi Narmada Temple we had lunch in delicious restaurant called Rumah Masakan Padang.
It was long way from the first temple into the second one, we need around 2,5 hours to get into next destination it is Uluwatu temple. This is the second temple that we visit on this event, Uluwatu one of most beautiful temple in south of Bali, the located the edge of the cliff and had tremendous scenery. Besides we pray overthere, there were many tourist who visited the temple because Uluwatu is also destination for tourist to have vacation. We have to be careful because there were many monkeys there, If you did not take care about your stuff, perhaps the monkeys will have stolen your stuff, we must be careful with the monkeys.
After we spent much time in Uluwatu temple, we were ready go to the next temple, it is Gunung Payung temple. We need around 1 hour 3 minutes to get to the Gunung Payung, Gunung Payung is a unique temple, why it is unique? Because inside of the temple there a lot of sands especially white sand there. In Gunung Payung temple is very different with the other temple, because some of the temple does not something above the temple but at in the Gunung Payung temple there are many paragliding who flies above the temple. It is weird because temple is a holy place but it is kind of different.
Finally, we have finished pray to all of the temple from Candi narmada until Gunung Payung, we went to Singaraja around 7 P.M and we have dinner at Saras Restaurant before we arrive at Singaraja. It was tremendous day for ELE’s