Pelatihan kepemimpinan seminar is one of the events which is held by Students Association of English Language Education on Friday, September 28th, 2018 at Auditorium Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha. The purpose of this pelatihan kepemimpinan seminar is to provide insight ad knowledge about leadership and how to implement those insights in the real life. This seminar is a place for newcomers in English Language Education especially to improve their leadership skills in the campus or event in the real life.
Every year, the theme and concepts are chosen vary. However there are must be about leadership range and how to implement it to be a good leader in the real life. This year the concept chosen was “improving leadership skill” and the theme was “raise up your Leadership”. Every people basically have leadership skill, but the problem is how to show and improve that skill and be a good leader in the future. This is the reason for choosing the concepts and themes.
Pelatihan Kepemimpinan seminar was opened by the First Vice Dean, Prof. Dr.I Nyoman Adi Jaya Putra, M.A. The participants who took part in this activity were the newcomers of English Language Education UNDIKSHA. This seminar was attended approximately 408 participants, including the committee and lectures of English Language Education. Seen from the participants who came, it could be said that the seminar was successfully held.
Two speakers are invited by the committee, namely Tutik Kusuma Wardhani, SE, MM, M. KES. And Prof. Dr. Drs. Nyoman Wijana, M. Si. They have a special kind of leadership in term of how to realize the skill of it. They explained the material very clear and understandable according to their experiences especially in leadership. In delivering the material, they also use some kinds of jokes to make the seminar more fun. The participants seemed enthusiastic to follow their presentation.
There were two activities in every speaker section, the first is the material and the second is the discussion section and followed by taking picture with the speakers continued by giving awards in form of certificates to the speakers. Then the event is closed formally by the head of the committee of seminar, I Putu Edy Candra Wiadnyana.