Dr. Asril Marjohan, M.A. is a lecturer who has served for decades in English Education Department. He is a humble, polite and commanding person. But, he didn’t teach regularly at English Education Department, because administratively he was retired or ‘purnatugas’. Therefore, English Education Department held a farewell party for Mr Asril on Monday, October 3rd, 2016 . The event was held at Warung Subak, Temukus, and it was attended by most of the lecturer of English Education Department. In this event, the colleagues of Mr Asril did many things such as played a video about the impression and messages from students to Mr Asril, sing a song with the title ‘terimakasihku’ to Mr Asril, submission of impressions and messages from the head of English Education Department, submission of impressions and messages from Mr Asril during teaching at English Education Department, handover of souvenir in the form of a ring as a memento to Mr Asril, took a picture and also ate together. At the end of the event, Mr Asril also invited to play parasailing for one round. Mr. Asril said he was happy and flattered by the events that were specially prepared for him. Congratulations Mr. Asril because now you’ve entered the ‘purnatugas’. Enjoy the day with your family, enjoy the morning, enjoy life, enjoy the results of your struggle. We will continue all the good things you have done. Forgive us if we’ve made the mistakes for you. Wish us to become better and better.