GECo or Ganesha English Competition is an annualy event which is conducted by English Language Education with the name of the event is Social Gathering. GECo is English competition for junior high school students in Bali province. In GECo, there are 3 parts in competition, first is elimination round through mini drama performances after that GECo have fun games and then the last round or final round GECo have quiz or in bahasa we called it as LCC (Lomba Cerdas Cermat). In the final round there 3 teams that will compete to get first,second,and third position. The theme fpr GECo VI 2018 is “Fell the Vibes of Tropical Heat through Ganesha English Competition” this theme also based on the general theme of Social Gathering 2018. The purpose of GECo is to facilitate the students especialy junior high school student to apply their ability in English in real situation because of that GECo is already designed all of the rounds through pay attention with all of the aspect in the use of English Language. The participants of this event are students from junior high school aspecially in Bali Province.The participants make teams that conclude 3 people in it and they compete as a team. The number of teams for GECo VI 2018 are 15 teams from different junior high school. This event conducted in Theatre room Language and Art Faculty and also the committees use the classes of English Language Education. The preparation for this event is about 2 months. GECo VI 2018 is conducted in April but the committee prepared it from last February. This event will be open in Theatre room and after the opening ceremony it will be continued by Elimination Round after the elimination round,the students should pass the fun games in different chamber and then it will be continued to the last agendas is the final round and then closing. The judges of this event will be assess depending on the skills that will be assessing because in every round,it will have different ways of assessing the team. The judges of Ganesha English Competition VI 2018 are from the lectures of English Language Education in GECo there are 3 different rounds and it will use different judges in every rounds. The judges assessed the participants based on the scoring rubrics that had been prepared. SMP N 1 Denpasar was the first winner,SMP N 1 Tabanan was the second winner, and SMP N 1 Singaraja was the third winner.