On Monday, 31th October 2016, was held Social Charity. The purpose of this event is to help elementary school children who are underprivileged. The funds used in this activity was the result of donations and the sale of concert tickets in Charity Concert as a series of English Week 2016. The event was held in 2 different places, SD No.4 Gitgit and SD No.3 Wanagiri. In SD No.4 Gitgit, there were 2 students who are given grants and books, namely Kadek Era Wati on 5th grade and Ni Luh Restini on 4th grade. Then, there were 3 students who are given grants and books in SD No.3 Wanagiri, namely Kadek lia Setiawati, Gede Ditra Ratnawan, and Luh Ayu Adi Sutami. in addition to charitable giving, the committee was also conducting basic English learning for 5th and 6th grade. To beneficiaries of funds, hopefully that it can be used properly and alleviate the burden of school fees. Big thanks to all of benefactors and EED’s family who have helped to succeed this event.