An initiative called ASEAN University Student Assembly (AUSA) – a co-founding project by International Department of Student Government of Chulalongkorn University (SGCU) and International Affair Department of Thammasat University Student Union (TUSU) – has been conducted on 5th – 11th April, 2015 in Bangkok, Thailand. This initiative aims to establish ASEAN university student alliance not only in Thailand but also in ASEAN community.
A warm welcoming party in Bangkok Centre Hotel on Sunday evening marked the beginning of the event. The day after, the opening ceremony was held in the Thammasat University, Tha Pra Chan Campus. Asst. Prof. Dr. Parinya Thewanaruemitkun, Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Thammasat University delivered opening remarks and a warm welcome to Thai and foreign delegates. Then, we got the first lecture from Ms. Phasporn Sangasubana, Deputy Director-General of the Department of ASEAN Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand, with the topic “Light Up ASEAN Spirit, Molding Identity in the ASEAN Way.” The participants then made a group after a demonstration debate from Chulalongkorn University and Thammasat University to respond the pros and contras based on the given topic. That time, it was about “Cultural Differences among ASEAN Member Nations is a Great Hindrance to Integrate.”
On the next day, the second lecture was delivered in Thammasat University, Rangsit campus on the topic “Inspire ASEAN as One: ASEAN Path Forward.” Then, all delegates were divided into five group discussions and workshop discussing several topics, such as Corruption and Politics, Education System, Economic, Energy and Environment, and Discrimination. The participants discussed about recent issues in ASEAN countries while facilitated by lecturers on relevant expertise. All of the delegates had the opportunity to inform the others the major issue in their country. After the discussion finished, the groups were reformed that the participants could join others to discuss a different topic. This time, it was about “Corruption and Education.” Each group got a different case, as there would be different solutions for the relevant issue on developing an ideal country. The participants were expected to summarize the previous lecture sessions and came up to solutions of the given cases. The solutions would be presented on the next day in front of all the delegates from the participating countries. In the evening, an interesting cooking competition closed that day.
On the third day, each group presented the solution with the topic “Inspire ASEAN as One: Forming Our ASEAN Model.” My group presented the solution for democratic regime government to reform the educational system and financial support for the students. After ten groups finished the presentation, all delegates were invited to visit and rally in the Ancient City at Samut Prakarn.
There was also a field trip to some famous places in Bangkok like Grand Palace, Museum Siam, and Asiatique the River Front. On Friday, we had campus tour at Chulalongkorn University and closing ceremony by Assoc. Prof. Tanit TongThong, Ph.D. the Vice President for Student Affairs of Chulalongkorn University. Finally, all delegates are given certificates of appreciation and on Saturday, all of the foreign delegates bid their farewell to go back to their countries (Luh Suweni, from Bangkok, Thailand).