Hello everyone,
As you know, EED starts to have some official channels since the new interim staff commenced working in the department. See this post to know about the interim staff. For the channels, we started having:
1. Official Website: https://ele.undiksha.ac.id/
2. Official Email: jpbi@undiksha.ac.id
3. Official FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/eedundiksha
4. Official YouTube Channel: http://bit.ly/1B9IVFn
The department already started filling in what’s best to be included in the channels, depending on the needs. Simply, the initiative was done to be more professional. As a working unit, this should have been started long time ago; this is a must.
Well, it’s never too late to start, right? So now, while all other official channels (Website, Email, and FB Page) are already running, this is the time for the YouTube Channel. To start with, we compile all videos related to EED, Undiksha available on the Internet; but they are scattered, uploaded by personal accounts. EED still acknowledges the creators of the videos by providing the name and original links. However, for the purpose of having one place of EED videos, this can be a good start.
A sample of the video is as below.
Other videos can be found in this playlist. After finished compiling, we will start with new videos. Stay tuned! (Admin)