Kindly read and download all information here. Lecturers and students MUST read the documents and prepare everything provided in the links. Only come to the department if you have issues to clarify. Thank you.

Persyaratan Pengajuan Proposal Skripsi


Prosedur Pembahasan Proposal


Prosedur Seminar Proposal


Prosedur Pembimbingan Skripsi


Prosedur Ujian Skripsi


Referencing the Right Way

Kindly click this link to read more about this matter. Best.


Bogus Journals


In response to obtaining well-accredited journals, we provide you some links to read:

Pardon for the image. But this one shows that even ‘that kind article’ was quickly accepted in a predatory journal, meaning that there was no qualified peer-review involved. Read more of this matter here. Kindly read all. Hopefully, a better academic culture will be established. Thank you.